Accommodation rules

We always try to provide quality and enjoyable services corresponding our category.

For that we ask you to behave respectfully during your stay.

  • You are obliged to behave in a way that does not endanger the property and other customers.
  • We ask you to respect the night silence hours from 10:00 PM to 06:00 AM. The compliance of calmness is constantly controlled.
  • Smoking in the rooms is strictly forbidden. It is allowed only outside in front of the house.
  • Guiding visitors to the room is forbidden. It is possible only after agreement with our staff.
  • The use of cookers, heaters and similar electric equipment in rooms is not allowed.
  • Sports equipment like skis, bicycles, scooters and big items do not bring into your room. If you need, our staff puts it in our storage room.
  • If you bring a pet here, you must inform our staff upon your arrival.
  • Check-out is possible always until 10:00 AM.
  • Breakfast must be ordered one day in advance until 08:00 PM. More information about breakfast is available on our website.
  • Any defects or missing equipment at the room report to our staff immediately.
  • If you need to clean your room or anything else, use the cleaning card which is in your room.
  • If you have any questions or complaints, contact our staff directly. We are ready to help you.


These accommodation rules are necessary.
In the case of violation, we will ask you to end your stay without compensation.

Our reception is open every day from 02:00 PM to 09:00 PM.
If the reception is closed, call our phone number: +421 48 381 1189.


Accommodation rules includes also three documents, which you may need during your stay. You will find it in these links.

General contractual conditions

Claim letter

GDPR terms


We wish you a comfortable stay!